Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

One sane voice in the crowd

I am naturally reviewing and following many blogs and news sites related to Linux. There are two themes that keep strong presence in the Linux related media. This are of course: Is Linux ready for being Desktop operating system? Bitching Microsoft. I must say that I am myself is guilty of expressing my point of […]

What it takes to be a QA engineer

I am wondering what it takes to be a QA engineer, testing software. As a software engineer I am looking for ways to solve problems. I’m usually being told where the problem is and there I am looking for a solution. It takes me hours and sometimes days. I am trying various configurations. I am […]

RAM content lost after shutdown? Not exactly

This is really amazing stuff. It appears that modern memory chips don’t loose their content immediately after power loss. Apparently, it takes two minutes to the loose their content completely. Moreover, you can cool the memory chip using regular dust remover spray. This will keep the memory content intact for at least 10 minutes. This […]

Alex, not only on Linux

My guest post on Daily Blog Tips! Don’t give up and keep cool.

Distributed vs. centralized version control systems

When git appeared for the first time, I was convinced that I don’t need it. It seemed that git is good for large and distributed projects, like kernel. While my own needs where much more modest – manage a project with couple of dozen files and perhaps a couple of contributors at most. Couple of […]

6 things that I miss in bash

What is the most frequently used piece of software on your computer? Here’s one program that holds one of the highest place in my list of most frequently used programs. I am talking about… bash. In case you don’t know, this is the program behind large portion of the Linux command line. It is the […]

What kept me from sticking to Ubuntu as a desktop solution

There were a couple of things actually, but most of them were solvable one way or another. There was one problem that I could not solve. I have a N95 cell. phone. There are couple of applications I use on it, but one of them I use the most. It is called Handy Safe Pro. […]

Is desktop Linux too fragmented to succeed?

This question is especially relevant after yesterday’s fiasco. I ran into an article whose name is exactly Is desktop Linux too fragmented to succeed? The article argues that the fragmentation is what keeping Linux Desktop from beating Mac OS and even Windows. It is because the effort to create Linux desktop is scattered across multiple […]

Ubuntu 9.04 with Wubi – Failure

Once every year or so, I get so frustrated with Windows Desktop that I decide to install Linux. I am a big fun of Ubuntu Linux. I use it for many things, this includes a server platform for this web-site. So most natural choice for me was to try Ubuntu 9.04, the latest version. I […]

Help me to find interesting blogs

Not that I am bored, but when I am looking for something to read on the internet, I usually end up reading Google news. Enough is enough. I am looking for interesting blogs about Linux, Linux administration and programming. So if you know one (or two, or three, etc), please help me by posting a […]