Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

How debugger works

Table of contents Introduction Kernel support ptrace() Starting to debug Debugger-debuggee synchronization A new debugger was born The magic behind INT 3 Breakpoints hands on Single steps Conclusion IntroductionBACK TO TOC In this article, I’d like to tell you how real debugger works. What happens under the hood and why it happens. We’ll even write […]

Irex Technologies, Iliad – More than a year together

Introduction I decided to write this review for two reasons. First of all, although there are so many reviews out there, no one has tracked the device and its development or evolution for over a year. I did. Also, there is a personal story of using Irex Technologies Iliad that I would like to tell. […]

About this web-site

I’ve been running this web-site for something like five years. Well… Not this one in particular, but many different sites with different domain names, different CMS systems, etc. I guess it started because I actually wanted to do web-designs. I started learning Photoshop back in 1997-1998, and by year 2002 became quiet proficient with it. […]

Firefox 3 short review

Few month ago I downloaded firefox 3 for the first time. At a time that was beta 1. Now there’s a beta 2 version available. I must say that comparing to beta 1 it is much improved. There are less crashes and I can confirm that some sites that were problematic with beta 1 sites […]

Kibbutz Dalia

I took these pictures in Kibbutz Dalia – one of the most beautiful and peaceful places I’ve seen.

Mini Israel

I took these pictures in Mini Israel – a great site with miniature copy of all major Israeli buildings and landmarks. This is perhaps the only place in Israel where you can see what our small country look like as a whole. I used my n95 cell phone to take the pictures. Hence, the quality […]


Personal Information Name: Alexander (Sasha) Sandler Birth date: 03/11/1979 Email: Summary Linux and Linux kernel expert. Ten years of professional software engineering. Exceptionally experienced with C/C++, Python, Assembler and other programming languages/environments. Exceptionally strong background in Linux system administration and Linux internals. Exceptionally strong background in multi-threaded applications. Exceptionally strong background in x86 and […]

Useful Linux Networking Commands

This article describes most useful Linux networking commands, as simple as it sounds. The truth is that I am writing this article more for myself. I am rarely doing complex networking configurations. As a result, when I have to configure something, I often forget commands and their syntax. Often it takes hours to find out […]

Written Stuff

This is the stuff I’ve written. Multithreaded simple data type access and atomic variables In this article I am trying to answer a question. What is the most efficient, yet safe way of accessing simple data type variables from two or more threads. I.e. how to change a variable from two threads at the same […]

Bet Oren vs PeerApp

I took these pictures when PeerApp, myself included, were in trip in Bet Oren, near Haifa.